
Turnkey delivery for any cargo from China within 21 days.
Complete dossier included.

We listen to you, all the time!
We check the batch for defects at the point of shipment in China!
Get a photo report. We spot check the cargo according to its specification, as agreed with the customer.
We professionally package and label the batch, providing for secure shipment.
Manage the risks of damages during transport with us. Our team in China takes care of professional packaging, labelling, and appropriate container loading for your cargo.
Reduce your delivery time by 30%
We determine optimal routes and logistics for you. We consider all available logistic routes and deliver to you ourselves or by means of our cooperation with a shipping company.
Save costs for customs clearance by 20%
Using available legal means, we optimize customs clearance costs and take care of customs securities retrieval, if needed! On demand, we see through the customs inspection and promptly provide all documents, requested by the inspection authorities.
Save time and money for orders' delivery to your customers in different parts of the country.
We deliver goods to your customers, deploying our own truck fleet or in cooperation with shipping companies, right from our central warehouses in
St. Petersburg and Moscow. Our fleet is located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Murmansk, and Krasnoyarsk.
We set up a regular supply for your customer sales.
Owing to our experience in securing regular shipments from China, we help you to set up a proven distribution to your customers in 6
Contact us!
8 (911) 007-38-00
Free of charge in the Russian Federation
г.Гуанджоу, район Байюнь, №31 xiwan road
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